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Writer's pictureZach Affolter


Stream on Spotify, buy on iTunes, and more here! You can listen to more of my music here:

'Finding The Way' is a lament of the destruction people unleash on each other and the natural world, but also a celebration of the beauty remaining within and around us. If we take the time to recognize this beauty, the world no longer seems as cold and dark as we tend to believe watching the news every night.

Many of us face internal struggles and anxiety based on our race, sexual orientation, gender, the current state of the world, and much more.

We despair.

Yet, amidst that darkness, there is still so much beauty left in the world worth fighting for that can give us hope - even amongst ourselves. When we feel lost and divided, the natural world can inspire, guide, and unite us.

Use your voice today to make a difference! Together, we can be the light that reaches over the mountains and the tide that washes across the sea. Together, we can ensure that this beauty remains in our world for those after us to enjoy and be inspired as we are.


This video is not monetized by the YouTube channel. The music is available for streaming and purchase separately. Any profit made from my music is donated to marine conservation organizations. The content shown in this video was licensed from VideoBlocks and Pexels - please go to these websites and obtain clips properly and support the videographers if you would like to use any in your films! Rising Sun Productions is not an official business.


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